
1. Sign into your Hotmail email account.

2. To open your Contacts list, click the 'Contacts' tab:

3. Click on the 'Safe List' tab to open your Safe List:

4. Paste or type Bingo Day email address such as [email protected] and [email protected] into the 'Type and address or domain' text field. Then simply click the 'Add' tab.

5. You have successfully added Bingo Cafe to your 'Safe List'!

download icon bingocafeSave file to play with your $30 Free!
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Your free BingoCafe download should start automatically within seconds.
If it doesn't, restart free download
You are 3 steps away from hours of fun!
popup step 1 ie bingocafe

1. Run the Bingo Cafe Installer.
Click on "Run" in the yellow box at the bottom of the page.
popup step 2 ie bingocafe

2. Sign up in 30 sec
Choose a login name and password.
popup step 3 ie bingocafe

3. Get $30 free
Bingo Cafe will automatically open.